Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Significance and Love

While we may accomplish things that are significant, they may not be where we find our significance. Our experiences may shape us and help us in the process, but they are not the ultimate source of our significance. The ultimate souce for our significance is based on who we are and whose we are, it cannot be based on what we do...we are loved by God!

Answer these questions: When have you known most fully that you are significant? When have you known that you are loved? That you are important?

Thoughts from Listen: Finding God in the Story of Your Life, by Keri Wyatt Kent

Monday, January 8, 2007

The Heart

Proverbs 4:23 Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.

all the issues of life come out of the heart

get the heart right and all else will follow

Bitterness, not forgiving

Temporal Values, always wanting a little bit more

Moral Impurity, desire to control

These need to be dealt with at the heart level

Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge

Wisdom is the ability to discern and apply knowledge

Understanding is the gaining of knowledge and how to use it

Knowledge is information about something or someone